OOTD: Time and Tru Debut Line

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OOTD: Time and Tru debut line :: A New Womenswear Line from Walmart :: Effortlessly with roxy

I recently had a chance to work on a super fun campaign for Time and Tru! This new line of preppy boho chic clothing by — wait for it — Walmart surprised me with both its quality and its overall cuteness. Walmart is investing in coming out with some very cute clothing and its efforts show in the pretty details, versatile prints and myriad of styles in the Time and Tru debut line for Spring 2018.

OOTD: Time and Tru debut line :: A New Womenswear Line from Walmart :: Effortlessly with roxy
OOTD: Time and Tru debut line :: Effortlessly with roxy
OOTD: Time and Tru debut line :: A New Womenswear Line from Walmart :: Effortlessly with roxy
OOTD: Time and Tru debut line :: A New Womenswear Line from Walmart :: Effortlessly with roxy
OOTD: Time and Tru debut line :: A New Womenswear Line from Walmart :: Effortlessly with roxy
OOTD: Time and Tru debut line :: A New Womenswear Line from Walmart :: Effortlessly with roxy
OOTD: Time and Tru debut line :: A New Womenswear Line from Walmart :: Effortlessly with roxy
Denim Jacket: Walmart (in-store only) | Henley: Walmart (in-store only) | Top: Walmart
Cropped Jeans: Walmart | Bag: Walmart | Wallet: Walmart (in-store only) | Shoes: Walmart
Sunnies: Walmart (in-store only) | Bracelet: Walmart (in-store only)
All clothing in this post was provided by Walmart for a sponsored social media campaign.
This post is not sponsored.
Photos: Laurel Creative

The sponsored campaign involved a video that was a total thrill to shoot with my good friend Kristina in Greenwich Village and a day-to-night outfit photo shoot with my regular collaborator Lauren of Laurel Creative. Because I like the clothing Walmart gave me so much I asked Lauren to shoot photos of my video outfit too. Most noteworthy is how the colors in the collection work so well together in layered looks.

While there is about 10 inches of fresh snow on the ground in NYC . It is nothing like the Springlike day we took these photos! Until the warmth returns, I’ll be layering the henley over the tank top I’m wearing in this look. Just a few open buttons on the henley makes for a lovely reveal of the floral tank top underneath. When it’s warm I like to tie the henley around my waist. The Time and Tru debut line is full of beautiful goodies and I highly recommend checking it out! Especially relevant, it gives me one more reason to enjoy trips to Walmart when I visit my Mom or on our way out to Sag Harbor.

I chose pleasant athletic slip-ons for the look but once the weather warms up I plan to wear these wedge sandals instead, which were also gifted to me as part of the campaign. In addition to the two outfits and accessories I was gifted I made some of my own purchases as well. This drawstring bag is a beautiful color (I got the grey). Also, this lace top looks so pretty under plaid shirts, which I’m wearing a lot lately! Another item I surprised myself by loving at Walmart is this ruffle tee. It’s already on repeat in my work rotation! I’m wearing it with these crops and heels.

Without a doubt though, the item that gets the most oohs and ahhhs are the floral cropped jeans. They fit like a dream! I sized down one size from my usual jean size for the best fit. The crops keep selling out. It’s very likely they will pop back or restock. You can also check your local store which may still have stock.

Furthermore, if you’re a Pinterest lover I have 10 pins from this campaign you may want to add to your own boards: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10. Follow me on Pinterest for regularly updated outfit and shopping inspiration!

Have you taken a look at the Time and Tru debut line for Walmart? Seems like Walmart makes this really lovely clothing. Surprise! What store astonishes you (in a good way) with its value and quality for its price point?

Some of my favorites from Time and Tru in the shoppable boutique below.


  1. March 22, 2018 / 10:33 am

    Cute bracelets, and I love the embroidery on your jeans!!


    • March 22, 2018 / 12:37 pm

      Thank you Cathy! I agree, the embroidery is a lovely detail that makes these jeans feel special.

  2. Lacey
    March 22, 2018 / 10:59 am

    Love a good denim on denim look.

    A Lacey Perspective

    • March 22, 2018 / 12:37 pm

      I'd double-take anyone who didn't! These colors are different enough that they don't even register as denim on denim initially. I love that.

  3. Stephanie
    March 22, 2018 / 11:43 am

    I'm shocked at how Walmart is upping their clothing lines! It seems amazing to me how many people are sharing Walmart clothing that is so cute! I guess I gotta get on that haha!

    • March 22, 2018 / 12:36 pm

      Right there with you, but they've done it and it's pretty great! No shame in my game. ?

  4. Melodie
    March 22, 2018 / 12:33 pm

    Why is everything sold out? By that I mean the embroidered jeans that you are wearing, which are so so cute. That pretty much deflated my enthusiasm ☹️

    • March 22, 2018 / 12:36 pm

      I'm so sorry Melodie! The simple answer is that the line is much more popular than Walmart was expecting! I've been told that everything will restock, but I apologize for the enthusiasm dampening.

  5. Louella Reese
    March 22, 2018 / 12:56 pm

    Loving all the florals! I am all about them come the spring season. I adore those jeans on you.

    xo Laura Leigh louellareese.com

    • March 22, 2018 / 1:22 pm

      Thanks so much Louella!! I'm a big fan of the jeans too.

  6. Tanda
    March 22, 2018 / 1:08 pm

    I feel guilty to pay that little for clothes. I can pay more and I will pay more in hopes that people who make those garments would be compensated fairly.

    • March 22, 2018 / 1:21 pm

      Tanda, I completely relate to your comment. Firstly, I have not forgotten the Rana Plaza disaster. When I was first approached about doing the social media campaign I asked about fair compensation for workers as well as their safety and learned that Walmart has not only made huge donations directly to worker safety in Bangladesh, they've also founded an alliance that regularly tracks the well-being and safety of the workers.

      You can find out more about that here: https://corporate.walmart.com/our-commitment-to-t

      To your other point about being able to afford better, I understand and encourage that! I've mentioned many times in the past on this blog that I very much enjoy investing in our economy by spending my disposable income, often on luxury clothes and bags. 2018 is a bit different for me. As I've mentioned, my sister and I just bought my Mom a condo in all cash. I'm preparing to get married next year, which means lots of wedding expenses! And my fiancé and I are apartment hunting right now.

      What does this mean? I'm hunting for more clothing deals than usual. I'm setting aside Anthropologie's $700 dresses and the next Céline bag I want for brands where my dollar will go further, like Walmart. The fact that Walmart came out with this incredibly cute line? Huge bonus for me. I've always enjoyed mixing high and low end…I'm just a little more focused on the low end right now than usual! Anyway, this is not meant to rebut your comment at all but rather just to share where my mind is at and why this collaboration was in part so appealing to me.

      • Tanda
        March 22, 2018 / 2:36 pm

        I don't believe them. I just don't see how a retailer that sells a pair of shoes for $10 can provide a fair pay to people who make those shoes. Materials, shipping, logistics and selling those shoes cost money. Walmart is also making profit out of it. Sweat shop owners are also making profit. I do not see how they can stretch those $10 to include fair wages or even safety. To me cost saving shopping would be GAP or something. I probably could last a few years without any new clothes, except for maybe underwear. I'm leaving Walmart to people who make minimal wages here in North America and cannot afford shopping anywhere but at Walmart or dollar stores.

        • March 22, 2018 / 3:24 pm

          Fair. I hear you.

        • Kasey
          March 22, 2018 / 11:29 pm

          1) Manufacturing is getting more and more automated which drives down costs.
          2) In many places, the low wages that workers earn making clothes is much higher than what they would get otherwise. By building more factories in less developed countries in the world, we will help increase living standards—albeit slowly—but they will go up. It is happening in rural India, where my husband is from, and it is happening in many other countries all over the world.

          • March 23, 2018 / 9:21 am

            Great points Kasey. My last job was contracting with a multinational luxury fashion company, during which I had the opportunity to visit clothing factories in Vietnam and India. It really opened my eyes how many people told me their lives were so much better for this job. For the record both the factories I visited were bright, open, airy and the workers told me they got regular breaks. In addition to our companies the factories also produced items for Gap brands, Tommy Hilfiger and a few others I can't remember anymore.

            Actually experiencing their reality opened my mind quite a bit.

  7. March 22, 2018 / 3:29 pm

    I am loving this denim on denim look! And the floral embroidery is such a cute detail!

    cute & little

    • March 23, 2018 / 9:22 am

      Thank you Kileen! So funny that I didn't even think of this as a denim on denim look, but it is and I think it pairs well together.

  8. maggie
    March 23, 2018 / 1:13 pm

    Woah can't believe this line is from Walmart! So cute!

  9. sequinssugarandstyle
    March 24, 2018 / 9:04 pm

    This is such a fun collab! Who knew Walmart had all these cute clothes?!


    Lauren | lifestylesbylauren.com

  10. March 25, 2018 / 11:23 pm

    I'm rocking all the denim looks right now. You look amazing in this!

    @trendyinindy || trendyinindy.com

  11. thejasminemaria
    March 26, 2018 / 8:50 am

    oh I am loving this outfit. So cute.

  12. March 26, 2018 / 2:15 pm

    Great outfits, I’m loving the bags
    Sarah Lindner TheHouseOfSequins.com

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