EA Scavenger Hunt contest: Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of the Effortless Anthropologie Scavenger Hunt! For complete details and rules, please see this post. The category is stores. To enter email your responses to effortlesscontest@gmail.com. Responses for Day 3 will be accepted until 11:59 PM ET tonight.

1 – Where did Anthropologie open its first store?
2 – Anthropologie is no longer just a US store. Where are their international locations?
3 – Where did Anthropologie open its first international store?
4 – Which store is Anthro’s highest volume store? (note: I am asking for a specific store location here, i.e. Westport, CT or 5th Ave, NYC. If a city has more than one Anthro make sure you specify which location you mean.)
5 – As of 3/20/2010, which US states do NOT have an Anthropologie store?

I am overwhelmed by the response so far! The participation has far exceeded my expectations…I’m absolutely ecstatic!!! Tomorrow will be the final set of questions. I’ll reveal answers on Saturday and the winner will be announced on Monday. Good luck!!

Reminder: This contest is not sponsored by, endorsed by or affiliated with Anthropologie or Urban Outfitters.

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