This post contains affiliate links. Please read this blog’s disclosure post for more info. Gift time is my absolute favorite time of year! Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and more all mean plenty of opportunities for me to spoil family, friends and our pets with presents galore! Nothing gives me more pleasure then watching someone I love delight in a gift specially chosen for…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It’s one of my favorite holidays because of the simple themes of togetherness, sharing, abundance and of course gorging ourselves while grown men smack into each other on TV. In just under an hour Central Park West, Central Park South and 6th Ave will become home to floats, balloons and in-sync marching bands for the Macy’s Thanksgiving…
With Christmas so close I thought it would be fun to share what we’re hoping to find under the tree! Not only is it fun to wish, it might give us some ideas to use our gift cards on. My list after the jump, please add yours in the comments! (Links welcome.) I’m sure many of my items look familiar…
photo courtesy of Kara Attention Anthropologie lovers: our favorite brand is sending out holiday gifts! Many in the community have reported receiving a variation of the same thoughtful bounty. Included in the packages are a whisk (i.e. the Kitchen Magic Whisk) a pot holder/oven mitt (i.e. the Yaritza Holder and a mini recipe book. photo courtesy of Kelly I think…
The next couple of days are busy ones for me — and I’m sure for you too! No regular posts today. Eye Candy and Weekend In-Store Community Post will run tomorrow. Coming up next week will be the Anthro year in review series. Can’t wait to hear the community’s thoughts on 2010. Email checking will be sporadic, replies will not…
Discount chains do it. Mid-level chains do it. This year, 3/4 of Soho is doing it! But for this blog, the question is will Anthropologie discount further on Black Friday? As we established last week the answer is probably not (and here’s thoughts on why they won’t) but since when have I ever let reality stop me? The consensus seems…
Though it’s a bit early in the month the holidays are drawing closer. Less than a month til Hanukkah for instance! A few of you have started asking about Anthropologie’s Black Friday plans. Do they have any? (Probably not.) If not, what can I expect in the way of incentives? So I thought I’d recap what happened last year and…