Metapost: À bientôt!

photo by Pierre Metivier on flickr

It’s been a long time coming. At this time tomorrow I will finally be back in Paris! I can’t wait to be there, I can’t wait to come back with lots of stories, and I can’t wait to fill up two 16 GB SD cards with photos. There will be plenty to relive when I get back. And hopefully some fun adventures to share.

While I’m gone Effortless Anthropologie will continue rolling thanks to this incomparable community. I’ve got a bunch of fantastic Guest Posts lined up to last through this week, over the weekend and through next week too! Each day from now through March 17 will bring multiple posts each day. Please show your support for the wonderful authors in the comments of each post! Their hard work is much appreciated.

Though I won’t be around to run things, EA isn’t going it alone. My good friend Macgruffruff has been wrangled into patrolling the comments and the comment moderation queue. He has run the blog for me before…and just as a warning he’s not as nice as me. To put it simply: don’t mess with him. His bark and his bite are both pretty nasty.

A few things I wanted to note:
Most of EA’s regularly scheduled posts will run as normal. There will be no Reader Outfits or Eye Candy this weekend (Guest Posts will run instead). But everything else: the Trade Market, the Sale Guessing Game, the Sale post, the Weekly Popbacks Post, etc. will all run as normal…
– …although they may run a little later than usual. I’m having a problem with Blogger where Scheduled posts are not running at the correct time. My apologies for any delayed posts.
– If you leave a comment on a post and it does not show up that means it’s in my moderation queue. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST YOUR COMMENTS. When you try reposting a comment that’s already in my moderation queue, the commenting system treats you as spam. And then I have like 50 of the same comment in my spam queue and poor Macgruffruff will have to comb through them all looking for legit comments. And then he will hate me. Please be patient — Macgruffruff will be combing the queue twice a day.
– If trolls or spammers visit EA while I’m gone, simply ignore them or “report” their comment. Please don’t feed the trolls. Or the spammers.

Thank you for supporting Effortless Anthropologie and our Guest Bloggers! The first Guest Post will run this afternoon. 

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