Styling posts are back! Plus a pro waiting in the wings

It’s been far too long since there were any styled posts on Effortless Anthro. I take full responsibility — I’ve been auditing a college writing program for the last few months and it has eaten up way more time than I thought it would. Now the excuses are being pushed aside in favor of moving forward which means we’re once again taking requests for items you’d like to see made into (Polyvore) outfits. Want to see examples of past outfits? Just click on the blue “STYLED” button in the sidebar. Your item request should be from Anthropologie. Past or present, it doesn’t matter. If you have a specific event or purpose in mind, i.e. work, we’d like to know to help us frame the outfit.

And in a bit of timing synergy did everyone notice Kim from Anthroholic’s announcement that she has started a personal shopping business? I can’t think of a more natural fit. So once you’ve got some outfit ideas in mind reach out to her and she’ll take care of you. I think her followers can all vouch for her styling skills.

Our styling posts renewed effort will be headed by EA intern Rebekah. (I’ll be chipping in too.) She can’t wait to get started! If she can drag herself out of bed now that the World Cup is over that is…

Lying down in bed with industrial size Ferrero Rocher CANNOT be an option. The fact that life seems to serve no purpose since the World Cup has ended is completely understandable. I, too, am in the utter depth of pitiful mourning. Despite the not-so-thrilling game, let’s admit…we all got our dose of eye-candy, during and after the game to last us for at least a month to come. However with the end of the football season whats a girl to do?! Well CRYING is to be be spat on! You my ladies have two options.

1) Continue to bask in the wonder of what is the reverential Cristiano Ronaldo, may it be plastering your desktop, bedroom wall, car, child…with his image. With the simple remainder that the season will return again. (Note: Any other player can be substituted for Ronaldo. No worries there mate.)

2) If none of this rant makes one philly of a speckle on your brow. Lets just have it and get to the point! When you’re upset/bored to mind-numbing tears you go shopping. Let’s flip the switch and try a bit of a different approach. You’re done with slaving away outfit after outfit, trying to figure out which one best suits the wonderful multitudes of occasions and outings in your lifestyle. Uh…why not let someone else do it? Brilliant? I think so! So lay it on me! Trust me with your upcoming events, the pieces you would love to wear but can’t form an actual outfit around, and idea of what you would like to look like, a makeover dream you have for yourself….really there are no boundaries and no rules! And if you simply need a shoulder to cry on well, I’m here for that too:

Just mail away your hearts desire or leave a comment on this post!

Ciao Ladies!

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