Just thought you might like to know about….Anthropologie Math

When I’m stressed out nothing makes me feel better than some good ol’ LOLs. Which is why I’m so excited to see that the Post-Fab Princess (PFP for short) has started a serious of hysterical posts devoted to “Anthropologie Math.” The series is currently running on her blog, Pudding and the Post-Fab Princess. Pudding, by the way, is her internal-monologue-lolz-master kitty.

Here’s my favorite equation so far:



They’re spot on! And to be taken with a wink and a nudge. No offense taken even when PFP calculates the items I own. Incidentally, I found the blog through the similarly-themed J.Crew Math posts. A good laugh every time.


  1. October 15, 2009 / 4:28 pm

    Thanks for the link. PFP is very creative and funny. You know, when I saw the title of your post, I thought it would be about Anthropologies's set prices. You know, $48, $68, $98. Sometimes it weirds me out that I am buying a summer t-shirt for the same price as a winter sweater – or close enough anyway. But, PFP's Anthropologie is much more entertaining,

  2. October 15, 2009 / 8:57 pm

    Those are hilarious and dead-on too! Hahaha. Love the yeti sweater.

  3. October 15, 2009 / 9:49 pm

    hi, I just discovered your blog (I love anthropologie too!!). Even though we have different body types the pictures you take of different outfits are SO helpful instead of just seeing them looking a certain way on the models. Also you look good in just about all the clothes! I'm jealous…

  4. Diem
    October 16, 2009 / 12:18 am

    The J. Crew math is hilarious. Makes me think twice before buying certain items.

  5. October 16, 2009 / 1:06 am

    Welcome to the community Winona! Thank you for the lovely compliment. :)Me too, Diem. Me too.

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